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9 Modern Marketing Ideas For Travel Agencies

Many people predicted the death of travel agencies a few years ago. With the Internet, anyone can buy an air ticket or book a hotel. The penetration of the Internet in the market of people traveling is very high regardless of age or countries. The purchase of Internet tourism is not limited to the richest countries or the wealthiest people.
The truth is that the diversity of options that exist to buy on the Internet has made it important to have a "centralizer" to help us avoid chaos or bad decisions. The more experienced travelers know that there is nothing worse than to find that the photos on the hotel's website were actually a montage: -S
The traditional travel agencies that were dedicated only to selling round-trip tickets have it very hard because they do not offer added value with regard to making the purchase online. Airlines have done a great job to improve the direct shopping experience and also the sites that compare prices of different airlines and hotels have facilitated the purchase for point-to-point or "simple" trips.
But agencies that understand new market needs and specialize in providing value-added services are booming at the moment. They have become a "curator" similar to those who put together an exhibition in a museum choosing the best pieces. What is a reality like heaven is that new customers will arrive via the Internet. Either by recommendations of other people or search engines. More and more people think of travel and enter the Internet to search for potential destinations, the approximate cost of tickets, additional services, in short, any information that serves as input to choose or discard a destination. The agencies that understand the new realities are using the internet in ways that allow them to increase their market and offer unforgettable personalized experiences.

Some of the initiatives carried out by these travel agencies are:

# 1 Laser Specialization

Travel agencies that specialize in groups of people or in specific destinations can offer a service that many people are willing to pay for. Before the Internet, travel agencies had a market defined by geography. When you wanted to travel you simply searched for the nearest travel agency and that was the one you used. With the Internet option, geographic barriers are no longer present and you want someone who knows more about the destination to attend to you than what you can find out on Google. Or that gives you the precise data to run better the marathon that you are going to do or the journey that you are going to make. The "generalist" travel agencies with little depth in their offer have their options very limited. On the contrary, agencies with a certain degree of specialization have access to markets that previously did not exist or were impossible to reach.

# 2 Continuous publication of information

Traveling is an activity that requires a lot of information. Even for frequent travelers, knowing new destinations and doing it with the family, for example, is an activity that can generate a lot of anxiety and this anxiety can only be calmed with information. Good travel agents have always offered valuable information to their clients but it was done in response to specific requests.
Travel agencies that understand the power of the Internet have changed this practice to constantly generate information and anticipate the concerns and requests of their customers. Instead of reactively responding to doubts, they proactively generate content on your blog in the form of articles, presentations and any other format that helps potential clients obtain quality information.
This creates a knowledge base that becomes another asset of the company and that can even be converted into additional income if they are packaged as digital books for example.
In addition, customer service costs are reduced, since customers can find what they are looking for directly on the website. To create these contents you can count on a very powerful ally: travelers love to share our experiences. Encouraging customers to create content and publish it on the agency's site creates a powerful community feeling. Imagine even that you can receive discounts or bonuses for your next trips by posting reviews about your last trip. A beneficial situation for everyone.

# 3 Sending Bulletins

Once a relationship of some kind is established with a person, the most effective way to maintain the connection is to send emails on a regular basis with segmented content for each audience.
The relationship can be established because service was provided, but it can also be established because the person "subscribed" to the website to receive information. The most important thing is that you send information that is valuable to each recipient. This information can be reviews of other travelers, new destinations, special promotions, etc.
The tone in which these bulletins are written is very important, and I recommend moving away from the "corporate" tone that often seems written by a lawyer and has a more personal or friendly tone. The information in the bulletin should clearly state who the author is and how to contact him in case of doubts or suggestions. This opens a dedicated communication channel that strengthens the relationship. The primary objective of successful newsletters is to convey experiences and help travelers in any problem they may have rather than trying to make a direct sale.

# 4 Creation of Videos

I love hearing people talk about their trips. Somehow I feel that I am part of the trip especially if there is excitement and pleasure when it counts. It is a common practice in travel agencies that agents know the destinations they promote, especially when they are specialized destinations. In these cases, it is a very powerful tool to share the experiences of the agent using testimonial videos.

We are not talking about advertisements with many special effects or very high production costs. We are talking about very simple videos where a travel agent shares his experience with a destination or a particular trip. They can be done directly in the office and record even with a cell phone.
The videos are published on youtube and are used as additional information to deliver to prospects and customers. This way a direct connection between the clients and the agents is achieved before they even know each other personally.

# 5 Interaction with Trip Advisor

Trip Advisor has become a benchmark for evaluating tourism providers and many travelers use it to report their positive and negative experiences. The travel agencies that monitor this network have the advantage of knowing how the tourist providers in charge of providing the service are doing it.
With this information, they can do a lot of things that strengthen the relationship with customers. For example, for negative experiences, you can offer the client an apology directly. Or for very positive experiences you can request permission to publish it on the company's website.

The final experience of the service is the responsibility of each operator, but the travel agency shares this responsibility a little when recommending it to its customers. Being aware of the real performance helps you maintain high-quality standards and gives the client security that their opinions are being taken into account. The agency shows customers that their experience is important beyond the purchase they made.

# 6 Virtual Seminars or Webinars

With the help of tools such as Webex or Google Hangouts, it is easy to make a virtual presentation where tens or hundreds of people go. Each person connects to the specific time and a single travel agent can make the presentation of a new destination, or clarify doubts about a particular package. The presentation can be recorded and made available on the website for other people.
With this "mini-event" it is possible to build trust among customers, create a sense of community and produce interactive material with a low production cost. The biggest effort is in making the invitations and getting people to attend. To obtain assistance, agencies rely on their website, in the newsletter, or indirect calls. Successful agencies understand that webinars should be of interest to the client delivering relevant and entertaining information. If the webinar is only to sell a package, very few people will attend. On the other hand, if it is to know more about "African Hunting Cats" you have much more chance of getting assistance.

# 7 Skype interviews

This is the perfect complement of the webinars. Instead of using the phone to serve customers, take advantage of the Skype video functionality and you can get to know your customers remotely in a closer and warm way. In some traditional travel agencies that I have met, barriers are placed to prevent people from using Skype, or any other communication tool via the Internet. On the contrary, travel agencies that take advantage of the Internet use free technology such as Skype to create deeper links with their customers while optimizing the time of their travel agents.

# 8 Ranking Website

The new customers basically arrive in two great ways: search engines and social networks. In both situations, it is very important that the website of the travel agency appear well ranked when related searches are carried out. Here it is key to know in what subjects you want to appear because it is impossible to appear in "any search".In addition to having relevant content, it is important to have a website that respects the criteria used in the search engines to show the results and constantly monitor which phrases and words are being searched.

The ranking of the websites also depends on the device where the searches are made; I have seen websites that look great when searched from a computer, but when searching on a cell phone they do not appear anywhere. Successful travel agencies understand that in times of greatest need customers have a high probability of being connected by a phone or tablet and not from a computer. Imagine the situation of being in an airport and connecting to verify what the hotel is and that the website of your agency does not look good .. total nightmare.

# 9 Quick Response

Imagine the situation: you are in a strange country in a language that you do not know with your whole family. The plan they had designed for you included a tour to the beach at 10 in the morning. It is 12 noon and no one has come to look for you.

You try to contact the travel agency and no one appears. Your anxiety levels are maximized and you vow never to buy from that travel agency. For situations such as these, it is important that the travel agency provides a high availability service that allows customers to be attended to in the unforeseen circumstances. Agencies concerned about the quality of the service they offer automate the process with tools, which allow them to monitor how many incidents have occurred and in what times they have responded. In this way, each new incident serves as learning to improve the service while providing peace of mind to customers.

Ready To Automate Your Travel Agency? Contact Us now!


  1. Hello Admin
    The ranking of the web sites additionally relies upon at the device where the searches are made; I actually have seen web sites that appearance wonderful when searched from a pc, however when looking on a mobile telephone they do now not seem anywhere. Successful tour agencies remember that in times of finest need customers have a excessive possibility of being linked by using a telephone or tablet and no longer from a pc.

    Thanks & Regard

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